Need an Osteopath in Geelong?

We pride ourselves on delivering quality Osteopathic care.

We’ve been practicing Osteopathy for over 20 years, so have seen a massive range of presenting complaints.

Our mission is to help you move better, and remove your pain, and keep it away.

You’ll find that we are some of the most qualified Osteopaths Geelong has to offer, and we’re continually improving. Whether you require simple headache treatment or are looking for another opinion, we most certainly can help.


Recent Posts

How Boobs Cause Back Pain…

If a woman has larger boobs, and is presenting with mid to upper back pain, we sometimes ask them if they have ever considered that “the girls” may be a contributing factor. And we get a 50:50 response. 50% of people say REALLY??? I’ve never thought of that!!! The other 50% say something along the […]

Your Diaphragm Isn’t Just For Breathing

Sure, the diaphragm is a “breathing” muscle. But did you know that tension in your diaphragm tells us all sorts of things about how you breathe (yep – we look!) and how you breathe *might* be an indicator of stress you’re holding of some kind. When you present for treatment at The Osteopaths we will […]

Good Practitioners Don’t Chase Pain.

The practitioner who is chasing pain is LOST. You’ve got pain. Perhaps it’s your lower back. Perhaps it’s in your shoulder. You go see someone, and the ONLY thing they look at is the “sore spot”. Sure they’ve “chased your pain”… and to you the patient, it might seem like they know what they’re doing, […]