Dear valued clients,
As of Wednesday the 24th March, we will be closed as part of the Victorian Government shutdown.
At this time would like to thank everyone in these front line health services for all that they are doing to protect and care for our community.
Although we fit in the exempt category of ‘Health Services’, we do not see ourselves as essential as compared to GP’s, nurses, ambos, aged and disability care workers.
You’re not “doing your bit” to “support” small businesses by having a hands on consultation with clinics like ours.
Put simply:
A “Hands On” Consultation With An Osteopath Is Not An ESSENTIAL Health Service.
We believe, for the safety of the community, it’s socially responsible to cease “hands on” consultations/treatment.
Because, at this point in time:
Hands On Therapists CANNOT Practice Social Distancing In A Clinic.

We have taken so many steps to protect everyone as best we could to date, however the curve is not flattening.
Out of respect for those working in the front line of this pandemic, and to reduce the risk of exposure to our practitioners and their families, and most importantly our clients and their families, we have chosen to be proactive and close. We are unsure how long this closure will be in place for.
If you had an upcoming booking or if you are a regular client and need assistance, please call us (5229 4420) or email us ([email protected]). We are more than happy to help you over phone, and will do our best to guide you and assist you free of charge.
We are working behind the scenes on being able to deliver some services online in the very near future. We will keep up to date with the Government recommendations as to when we can return to normal consultations.
Now we ask you as a community to please look after each other, look after your own health and wellbeing in this unique time, and please wash your hands and practice social distancing. We are all in this together.
Wishing you good health,
The Osteopaths