So you’ve been to a Physio/Chiro/Osteo and they harp on about how weak your glutes are…
Well, here’s why.
We’ll start with a few simple ideas.
Idea number 1:
Your BRAIN is always trying to keep the “status quo”. It’s just trying to keep you moving forward.
Idea number 2:
To your brain, muscle compensation is NORMAL.
Remember – you can’t use or activate a muscle, without your brain “allowing you” to do it!
We forget this, because, for most people it’s very easy to move around, go for a walk, lift things, put shoes on etc.

Until You Get Back Pain.
Then, like most people, you suddenly ask yourself WHY am I getting this pain? Why me? Why now?
Of course there are so many “causes” of back pain.
Glute strength (or lack of) is quite possibly the most important area.
It’s actually amazing just how many people are WEAK in the glutes. So so weak.
But it’s not just a case of doing more glute exercise… because
The Brain Always Does What’s Easiest First.
Think about it.
It’s on autopilot.
The brain operates in patterns of learned behaviour over years.
As a baby you had to “earn the right” to sit. You didn’t just come into the world and magically sit.
You then had to earn the right to crawl, and then earn the right to stand.
Because it’s EASIER to sit than it is to crawl. Easier to crawl than it is to walk.
However, when it comes to pain…
The Brain Always Does What It Feels Safest Doing.
Safety RULES.
Your brain is hard wired to look for and feel “threats”.
It doesn’t matter what the threats are, the subconscious brain will rule supreme.
For example: It’ll automatically override your decision to walk barefoot over glass.
The brain will FORCE you to move differently.
You’ve got no choice.
And here’s where it gets interesting.
Because glute weakness is SOOOO common, I look at it as just a piece of the puzzle.
Is glute weakness the CAUSE of the back pain?
Or is the back pain the CAUSE of the glute weakness?
That’s what we’re looking for.
We’re looking for WHY the back pain is there.
Perhaps it’s related to the actual structure of the spine – the joints, the ligaments, or even the deeper disc structures.
Perhaps it’s simply related to Glute weakness.
If it is, WHY is it like this?
If you remember from earlier, your body moves in patterns. When an area is compromised the brain will simply “look for help” by asking an adjacent synergistic muscle to fire more.
This could be right next door – e.g. your back muscles that are “always tight”… or your hamstrings that are “always tight”…
It can be ONE side or BOTH sides. And there are many reasons for both.
Glute strength is THAT important.
But many practitioners unfortunately don’t know the reasons WHY this is so other than “you’ve got weak glutes”.
When you see us, if your glutes are weak, we can make them STRONG in literally seconds.
It doesn’t last though.
The brain will go right back to it’s preferred compensation pattern… You know… the one that gives you PAIN.
But it gives an Osteopath a clue as to WHY the pain is there, and what you can do about it.
Sounds simple?
It isn’t!
But it makes our job amazing when you get results because we zero in on your issues fast!